Thursday, September 19, 2013

Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education --- United States, 2001--2009

Vital Signs: Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education — United States, 2001–2009
Early Release
May 3, 2011 / 60(Early Release);1-7

Background: Most persons with asthma can be symptom-free if they receive appropriate medical care, use inhaled corticosteroids when prescribed, and modify their environment to reduce or eliminate exposure to allergens and irritants. This report reviews recent progress in managing asthma and reducing its prevalence in the United States.

Methods: CDC analyzed asthma data from the 2001–2009 National Health Interview Survey concerning children and adults, and from the 2001, 2005, and 2009 state-based Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System concerning adults.

Results: Among persons of all ages, the prevalence of asthma increased from 7.3% (20.3 million persons) in 2001 to 8.2% (24.6 million persons) in 2009, a 12.3% increase. Prevalence among children (persons aged

Conclusions and Comment: Persons with asthma need to have access to health care and appropriate medications and use them. They also need to learn self-management skills and practice evidence-based interventions that reduce environmental risk factors.

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Vital Signs: Asthma Prevalence, Disease Characteristics, and Self-Management Education — United States, 2001–2009

1 comment:

  1. My symptoms started at the age of 47. My fingers on my left hand were stiff and were difficult to move. People noticed that my walk was not normal. I was often asked did I hurt.I noticed nothing different about my walk. It was difficult getting up from a chair and getting out of a car. I was diagnosed a year later, it was the onset of tremors starting in my right hand that caused my other symptoms to be recognized as Parkinson's.I am now 59. With the new herbal medicine i purchase from was my only way to get fast relief from this PD,their herbal supplement effectively reverse my Parkinson's disease condition and alleviate all my symptoms. 
