Saturday, September 28, 2013

Brad Szollose, Liquid Leadership, Immune System Mind, IBS, Nullification, Ritalin, Selenium + on The Robert Scott Bell Show May 12, 2011

Brad Szollose, author of Liquid Leadership, stops by to explain the challenges facing the Baby Boomers, Generation X and Gen Y. I have been digging for answers regarding how 21st century America has become so authoritarian in so many ways – and Brad’s got ‘em. We’ll talk pop culture, medicine, economics and politics. Who will pay for the Boomers’ social security? Gen Y may have some cold water for you. What is Obamacare, really? How free are we when we may have been marketed to think the way that we do? It promises to be an intellectually stimulating experience. and and

There’s a lot more to healing than physiology. Time to explore more of the biology of belief and the realities of healing rarely coSelenium, Congressman Ron Paul, J&J, HIV, Health Ranger, biology belief, Liquid Leadership, Brad Szollose, Social Security, vered in the old media!

Can you get rid of IBS symptoms by the power of your mind?

Is immunity all in the mind? There’s a lot more than touch, smell, taste, sight and sound. The immune system is way more than they admit.

Health Ranger unveils The God Within documentary, exposes the false philosophical foundations of modern science. Awesome!

Have you called yet? 1-866-939-BELL.

Peaceful, non-violent revolution? The political establishment does not much like the idea of that. Nullify Now!

Ewwwww, that smell! J&J has another recall. This time it’s an HIV drug. Maybe they can make the recall permanent?

Is there a Ritalin shortage? Could children be so lucky?

Moment of Duh got you psychotic? Or is that just grandma?

Uh-oh. The medical authorities are trying to dissuade you from taking your selenium. I wonder why…

Limited time offer! Peace-of-Mind Homeopathic medicine kit, including remedies for radiation exposure! Call 1-800-543-3245. Now available for $ 89.99 price (includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners:

When is the next Ron Paul Money Bomb Radio Marathon?

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In case you missed my interview with Chris Barr (Magnesium and B6, GTF Chromium, Silica and Selenium) from this past Sunday, you can still listen to it here:

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Previous episodes of the Robert Scott Bell Show:

Can COPD be inherited?

Every day at we get lots of asthma related questions. Below are some questions I thought my readers at the RT Cave would enjoy.

Your Question: Can COPD be inherited?

My humble answer: That’s a great question. Actually, about 98% of COPD cases are not inherited. However, your parents can give you the genetic disposition whereby if you smoke you will have a greater chance of getting COPD. For example, if you have the asthma gene, and you smoke, you are much more likely to get COPD as, say, someone who does not have the asthma gene.

A very small percentage of people, like 2% of COPD patients or 0.2% of the U.S. population, have what is called an antitrypsin deficiency. These people are predisposed to developing emphysema, a type of COPD, before the age of 45.

If you have any further questions email me, or Visit Q&A section.

Hudson Youth Leadership Academy at RCC

Ramapo, NY – The Hudson Youth Leadership Academy, a three day social justice – themed day camp will be held at RCC from June 26 – June 28, with a kick-off event on Sunday June 26. Designed to give middle school, high school and college freshman the leadership skills and confidence to create change, and the opportunity to become active participants with their local communities, the components of the program include character and civic education, leadership training, and community service.  To register for the Leadership Academy please call 845. 353. 1796.  Registration will close on June 17.

Sunday June 26Cultural Arts Center
Barbecue at 3 pm – Cost is $ 30 – free for HYLA participants
Please RSVP by 6/20 – call 845. 353. 1796
kosher and vegetarian menu available upon request

5 pmCultural Arts Theater
Free and open to the public – RSVP recommended

A kick-off event will be held on Sunday June 26.  Raymond Ablack (Sav) and Dalmar Abuzeid (Danny) of Degrassi, will be on hand signing autographs.  An RSVP is required, and tickets are $ 30, but free for HYLA participants. Entertainment will be provided by Motherland Rhythms African drumming and music, and INVECTIVE, an alternative rock group.   

After 5, there will be additional entertainment in the Cultural Arts Theater. Attendance is free and open to the public, but an RSVP is still advised as seating is limited. Chiku Awali African dance and drumming will perform, and there will be a traditional African Invocation – an offer of libation and blessing. 

The Hudson Youth Leadership Academy is collaborated by the Kurz Family Foundation, Creative Response To Conflict, and Rockland Community College

Applications and more information about the Hudson Youth Leadership Academy are available at

For more information please call Doreen Zarcone at: 845.574.4323

Asthma: percentage of members 5 to 50 years of age during the measurement year who were identified as having persistent asthma and who were appropriately prescribed medication during the measurement year.

Asthma: percentage of members 5 to 50 years of age during the measurement year who were identified as having persistent asthma and who were appropriately prescribed medication during the measurement year.

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). HEDIS® 2010: Healthcare Effectiveness Data & Information Set. Vol. 2, Technical Specifications. Washington (DC): National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA); 2009 Jul. 417 p.

open here to see the full-text:
Asthma: percentage of members 5 to 50 years of age during the measurement year who were identified as having persistent asthma and who were appropriately prescribed medication during the measurement year.

Nitric Oxide may help pregnant women manage asthma

Asthma is among the most prevalent chronic conditions that afflict pregnant women.  Fear about the effects of asthma medicine on the unborn babies makes treating asthma in pregnancy a major challenge.  Yet a recent study shows nitric oxide might help doctors manage asthma in pregnant women.

According to about eight percent of women experience asthma during pregnancy.  Studies show that during the first six months of gestation asthma symptoms increase, and symptoms decrease during the final months of pregnancy.

Studies also show hospitalizations due to asthma increase during pregnancy, and other studies show a link between worsening asthma and decreased fetal growth.  Studies also link asthma in pregnancy with high blood pressure, preterm delivery, and all sorts of other complications.

These studies shed light on the need of finding a method to help these women better manage their asthma. Asthma experts in Australia believe they’ve found the solution. reports on a program being trialed in Australia to help control and prevent asthma among pregnant women that has been rather successful.  The program is based on an algorithm that helps asthma doctors titrate asthma medicine to manage inflammation in the air passages.

The program was sparked by a study published in the Lancet that showed that asthma exacerbations in pregnant women could be “halved” if inflammation was “closely monitored.”  Yet due to fears of women and doctors about the effects of asthma medicine on the unborn baby, many cases of asthma among pregnant women go untreated.

However, as I wrote in this post, most asthma experts believe that it’s important to control asthma in pregnant women, and the advantages of taking asthma medicine should be based on weighing the advantages against the disadvantages.

Inhaled steroids are a proven and effective way of treating the chronic inflammation in asthmatic lungs.  When it comes to pregnant women, you want to have the least amount of the medicine needed to control inflammation.  Yet you don’t want too little inhaled steroid in your system because then the medicine won’t be doing the job.

So Australian experts came up with a Managing Asthma in Pregnancy (MAP) study whereby they monitor inflammation in the lungs by measuring the Fraction of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FENO).  This is a test that is growing in acceptance because it directly measures how much inflammation is in the lungs.

Based on the FENO results, an algorithm is used to help doctors determine the best dose of inhaled steroid to use.

The study consisted of 220 pregnant women, half had their inhaled steroid adjusted using the algorithm and clinical symptoms, and the other half had their inhaled steroids adjusted using clinical symptoms alone.  The results concluded that those who used the both the algorithm and clinical symptoms to titrate their inhaled steroid were 50 percent less likely to have an asthma flare up.

Researchers surmised the women who used the algorithm to control their asthma used their inhaled steroid more often, although at a lower dose.  This group was also introduced to long-acting asthma preventative medicine sooner than the other group.  Their inflammation was therefore better controlled.

American Cancer Society

Today the Recommended by DeBarra Mayo Award goes to the American Cancer Society.

This organization does wonderful work. The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization.

Congratulations American Cancer Society!

You can visit their website at:

Tantas alergias e intolerancias en la polbación tienen que tener un foco. "Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology" puede tener la respuesta: El agua del grifo.". Los pesticidas del agua del grifo pueden tener parte de culpa en el aumento de las alergias a los alimentos, según un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista "Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology". Los investigadores detectaron que los altos niveles de diclorofenoles, un químico usado en pesticidas y para clorar el agua, cuando se encuentran en el cuerpo humano, están asociados con alergias alimentarias. "Nuestra investigación muestra que los niveles elevados de diclorofenol que contienen los pesticidas posiblemente pueden debilitar la tolerancia alimentaria en algunas personas, causando alergia a los alimentos", dijo la especialista en alergias Elina Jerschow, miembro del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología (ACAAI, en sus siglas en inglés) y autora principal de la investigación. Diclorofenol es una sustancia química que se encuentra comúnmente en los pesticidas utilizados por los agricultores y los consumidores de insectos y productos de control de malezas, así como en el agua del grifo, según explica Jerschow. Entre los 10.348 participantes en la Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Nutrición de Estados Unidos de 2005-2006, 2.548 tenían diclorofenoles medidos en la orina, de los cuales, 2.211 se incluyeron en este estudio. En 411 de estos participantes se encontró que tenían alergia alimentaria, mientras que 1.016 tenían una alergia ambiental. "Los resultados de nuestro estudio sugieren que estas dos tendencias podrían estar vinculadas y que el uso creciente de pesticidas y otros productos químicos se asocia con una mayor prevalencia de alergias a los alimentos", añade la investigadora principal. Aunque pudiera parecer que optar por agua embotellada en lugar de agua del grifo podría ser una manera de reducir el riesgo de desarrollar una alergia, existen otras fuentes de diclorofenol, como plaguicidas para frutas y verduras, que, según los científicos, "pueden jugar un papel más importante en la causa de alergia a los alimentos". Según los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos, se observó un aumento de alergia a los alimentos de un 18 por ciento entre 1997 y 2007, siendo los alérgenos alimentarios más comunes la leche, los cacahuetes, los huevos, el trigo, las nueces, la soja, el pescado y los mariscos. Los síntomas de alergia a alimentos pueden variar desde una erupción leve hasta una reacción potencialmente mortal llamada anafilaxia, por lo que la ACAAI aconseja a todos aquellos que padezcan alguna alergia de comida que lleven siempre dos dosis de epinefrina recetada por el alergólogo, ya que un retraso en su administración es común en las muertes por reacciones alérgicas alimentarias severas.( fuente del texto/ EP)

Tantas alergias e intolerancias en la polbación tienen que tener un foco. “Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology” puede tener la respuesta: El agua del grifo.’.

Los pesticidas del agua del grifo pueden tener parte de culpa en el aumento de las alergias a los alimentos, según un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista ‘Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology’. Los investigadores detectaron que los altos niveles de diclorofenoles, un químico usado en pesticidas y para clorar el agua, cuando se encuentran en el cuerpo humano, están asociados con alergias alimentarias.

“Nuestra investigación muestra que los niveles elevados de diclorofenol que contienen los pesticidas posiblemente pueden debilitar la tolerancia alimentaria en algunas personas, causando alergia a los alimentos”, dijo la especialista en alergias Elina Jerschow, miembro del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología (ACAAI, en sus siglas en inglés) y autora principal de la investigación.

Diclorofenol es una sustancia química que se encuentra comúnmente en los pesticidas utilizados por los agricultores y los consumidores de insectos y productos de control de malezas, así como en el agua del grifo, según explica Jerschow.

Entre los 10.348 participantes en la Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Nutrición de Estados Unidos de 2005-2006, 2.548 tenían diclorofenoles medidos en la orina, de los cuales, 2.211 se incluyeron en este estudio. En 411 de estos participantes se encontró que tenían alergia alimentaria, mientras que 1.016 tenían una alergia ambiental.

“Los resultados de nuestro estudio sugieren que estas dos tendencias podrían estar vinculadas y que el uso creciente de pesticidas y otros productos químicos se asocia con una mayor prevalencia de alergias a los alimentos”, añade la investigadora principal.

Aunque pudiera parecer que optar por agua embotellada en lugar de agua del grifo podría ser una manera de reducir el riesgo de desarrollar una alergia, existen otras fuentes de diclorofenol, como plaguicidas para frutas y verduras, que, según los científicos, “pueden jugar un papel más importante en la causa de alergia a los alimentos”.

Según los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades de Estados Unidos, se observó un aumento de alergia a los alimentos de un 18 por ciento entre 1997 y 2007, siendo los alérgenos alimentarios más comunes la leche, los cacahuetes, los huevos, el trigo, las nueces, la soja, el pescado y los mariscos.

Los síntomas de alergia a alimentos pueden variar desde una erupción leve hasta una reacción potencialmente mortal llamada anafilaxia, por lo que la ACAAI aconseja a todos aquellos que padezcan alguna alergia de comida que lleven siempre dos dosis de epinefrina recetada por el alergólogo, ya que un retraso en su administración es común en las muertes por reacciones alérgicas alimentarias severas.( fuente del texto/ EP)